Robert Belas Photography

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Cattleya "Tropical Pointer" Close-up

The weather has finally warmed up enough to allow me to bring my orchids outside to bask in the sunshine for the next six months. We're still getting some chilly nights -- last night the temperature went down to the low 40's -- but summer is coming.

"Tropical Pointer" is one of the orchids I rescued from the bargain bin at the local big-chain hardware store several years ago. It survived snow two years ago, which killed most of my orchids and severely damaged the rest.

"Tropical Pointer" Group of Four Blooms

This small orchid is a delight in so many ways. Not only does it grow well, its blooms are pretty, bountiful, and fragrant, and they last for 3-4 weeks. I hope it (and its siblings) enjoy the sunshine and thrive this summer. The same hopes for you too :).

Best wishes,
